Yes, we're giving into our urge to perpetuate creepiness in yet another specific guise again. Seems we just can't write a serious post to save our soul, what with so much going on in our personal life these days. But we love our strange little blog and refuse to leave our readers without something to read. So here they are...the creepiest Victorian images we could find this time around, Savor, swallow, and comment...please!
Uh...Merry Christmas? Not sure if this is a real fellow
dressed up as Santa Claus or some sort of (shudder)
mannequin, but he's about as jolly as a fibroid cyst. Luckily,
being Victorian children, these two little beneficiaries were
probably used to a dour tint to their festivities. So let the
ho-ho-ho-ing begin and roll out the fruit cake. Skol! |
This Grandma and grandson probably weren't creepy in real life,
but in sepia print, they're just little too...well, intense. Especially
the grandson, If he didn't grow up to be some sort of starched white
collar criminal, we will eat our damned bowler hat! |
Not an actual Victorian image, of course, but this art piece byKevin Llewellyn captures so well the morbid, eerie sensibility that seems to characterize imagery from the era that we had to include it. |
One of the many angel statues that populate Highgate Cemetery,
one of our favorite places in the whole world. We sat near this particular
angel while sipping a covert beer on a sweltering May day last year, and we can
assure you that she is even more lovely in person. |
Victorian post mortem photography at its creepiest. The
portraits surrounding the children seem to be made for the moment. |
Words just aren't needed here. They probably weren't
much help when this photograph was taken, either. |
Nothing screams "Creepy!" like a Victorian hearse, and this one
epitomizes all that is dark and dreary and midnight-tinted within
that general context. A hearse after our very own heart. |
Pretty much the creepiest...and strangest...example of Victorian
post mortem photography we've seen. Definitely inventive and artistic.
But, well, if it were our daughter or sister, it would be a little hard
to have around. May she rest in piece...with her white roses.
And last but not least, we have this, a creepy little Victorian girl
playing with ravens for no reason at all. Ah, the good old days!
xoxxoxoxxoxoxxoxxox |
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